let's talk

Ready to Collaborate for digital growth?

Want to know more about Operative or
how to apply no-code in your company?

Portrait photo by Henk de Blauw
Henk de Blauw
Founder & no-code specialist

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Get a head start by no-code technology

more about no-code

Endless scalability

By building and connecting digital components, we can scale until there is the right product-market fit.

State-of-the-art technology

The new generation of technology is innovative and new developments are constantly being added.

Rapid development

By applying no-code technology, we can develop digital products and services up to 10 times faster.

Considerable cost savings

With a rapid development cycle, we save time, convenience and efficiency in no time
what our customers say
“The time Operative takes to listen and provide comprehensive answers, where the expertise is easily measurable. Very accessible, honest and sincere.”
Kaat Macours
De Muzieksommelier
“In a very quick time, we got what we asked for.”
Kris Sijrier